15:24 03 Mar 2024

Rebuilding Ukraine: Mykolaiv region restores ophthalmology hospital damaged by Russian forces

Photo: Mykolaiv news

The ophthalmology hospital in the Mykolaiv region, which Russian invaders damaged during their shelling in the spring of 2022, has been reconstructed.

The Ministry of Health informs about this.

What is the problem?

It should be noted that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion across Ukraine, the enemy has damaged 1,535 medical facilities and wholly destroyed 201.

The Mykolaiv region, as one of the front-line regions, was subject to constant missile attacks and strikes from Russia since the beginning of the war, and part of the region was under temporary occupation.

As reported by the department, in the spring of 2022, the roof and 70 windows of the 4-story medical building of the Regional Ophthalmological Hospital were damaged by fragments of an enemy projectile.

The medical facility needed ongoing repairs.

What is the solution?

The regional ophthalmology hospital was rebuilt in the Mykolaiv region thanks to the local authorities.

After all, the medical institution serves the residents of the city and the entire region and provides specialized and highly specialized tertiary medical care, particularly surgical.

How does it work?

"Thanks to the efforts of the local authorities, the hospital was able to completely replace the windows and repair the roof (331 m²). The repair work was completed in December 2023," the report said.

As before the full-scale war, the medical facility continues to work around the clock and provide medical services. In particular, just last year, the hospital:

  • received 49,000 outpatients,
  • another 5,000 people received inpatient treatment.

The Ministry of Health reminded that restoring Ukrainian hospitals is one of the state's priorities despite the war. That is why restoration work will continue. In particular, only in the Mykolaiv region 81 medical facilities were fully restored, and another 51 were partially restored.

In total, 508 medical facilities in Ukraine were fully restored, and another 360 were partially restored.

For reference:

In the Mykolaiv region, City Hospital No. 4, which the Russians twice damaged in the first year of the full-scale invasion, has been restored.

In addition, a new modular primary care clinic is operating in the village of Bilozirka, Mykolaiv region. The dispensary was established as part of a partnership between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the World Health Organization to provide patients with access to the necessary medical care despite the full-scale war.

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