Video 17:14 29 Feb 2024

Ukrainian rescuers dismantle an unexploded 500 kg bomb Russia dropped on Zaporizhzhia

Фото: ДСНС

Bomb disposal experts dismantled a Russian aircraft bomb, dropped on civilians in the Zaporizhzhia region, the press service reports.

On February 28, Ukrainian rescuers received a report of an explosive object found in a field in one of the settlements.

Arriving at the scene, the team identified the munition as an unexploded aerial bomb (FAB-500) weighing 500 kilograms.

The difficulty in removing and subsequently destroying the explosive was that the bomb had a modified fuze, making it difficult to transport it.

Due to the unpredictability of the munition mechanism, the bomb had to be detonated at the place of detection.

The FAB-500 is a Soviet 500-kilogram high explosive bomb primarily used by the Russian Aerospace Forces and customer countries. The bomb is unguided, has a single nose fuse, and is compatible with most Soviet aircraft.

The bomb hits the target with an explosion, body fragments, and a shock wave, which creates a crater ~8.5 meters in diameter and 3 meters deep.

Ukrainian sappers also destroyed an FAB-500 bomb in the yard of a residential building in Kharkiv.

A Russian aircraft dropped this bomb in the occupied town of Zymohiria in the Luhansk region, so local residents were evacuated.


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