17:48 27 Feb 2024

Russian shelling leads to fatalities in Sumy region: two policemen killed, six hospitalized

Photo: t.me/Klymenko_MVS

In the Sumy region, two policemen were killed as a result of repeated enemy fire, and six other law enforcement officers were hospitalized.

The press service of the National Police of Ukraine reported this.

It is noted that the Russian forces sneakily struck when a group of investigators was conducting an inspection of the scene and recording the consequences of the shelling that had been fired the day before in the village of Khotin of the Sumy district.

"Unfortunately, two law enforcement officers were killed, and their bodies were recovered from the rubble. Police Lieutenant Colonel Oksana Novik, head of the investigation department for crimes committed in the context of armed conflict, the investigative department of the State Security Service in Sumy Region, received non-life-threatening injuries," the message reads.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Oleh Yurko, deputy chief of police department No. 4 (Sumy) of the Sumy district police department – head of the investigative department – was also fatally injured.

"Police officers do not leave civilians even in the hottest places. They are constantly risking their lives, remaining faithful to the Oath. And today's tragedy proves that these are not just words," Ihor Klymenko wrote.

The prosecutor's office reported that a pre-trial investigation is being conducted into the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with intentional murder.


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