Photo 12:40 22 Feb 2024

Volunteers unveil mobile stabilization points for rescuing severely wounded Ukrainian soldiers

Rescue of critically wounded on the front line: Volunteers presented the first mobile stabilization points STABNET in the Ukrainian capital, Rubryka reports.

What's the problem?

According to Ukrainian medical brigades' estimates, 50% of critically wounded soldiers cannot be saved due to prolonged battlefield evacuation and lack of stationary stabilization points.

What's the solution?

The mobile stabilization container STABNET, designed to rescue critically wounded soldiers at the front line, aims to provide rapid medical assistance "from scratch."

"The idea to create a compact autonomous complex emerged during volunteer trips to the front when we delivered ambulances and medical equipment," said the project's ideologist and leader, French volunteer Damien Harry-Marin. "We borrowed the design from mobile bath-laundry complexes and field hospital modules provided to Ukraine by Western partners. This container can be quickly delivered to the necessary location by a regular pickup truck because time is crucial in the fight for the wounded soldiers' lives."

project's ideologist and leader, French volunteer Damien Harry-Marin

The head of the medical service of the Territorial Defense Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Oleksandr Tomak, added that often, soldiers need to be stabilized in completely unsuitable conditions, literally on the ground. A network of medical containers along the front line would help reduce the mortality rate of defenders.

"Often, the distance between the battlefield and the brigade's stabilization point is quite large, and evacuation takes longer than we would like. Unfortunately, at this stage, we lose soldiers due to severe injuries," Tomak noted. "Providing emergency assistance in proper conditions will also help reduce the number of cases of bacterial infection, which leads to amputations."

The head of the medical service of the Territorial Defense Command, Colonel Oleksandr Tomak

How does it work?

The first pilot container was made with the support of the Razom for Ukraine Foundation. The team consulted with ten medical brigades working in stationary stabilization points during the project design process.

A water tank and two generators ensure autonomous operation; inside, it provides everything necessary for emergency assistance.

"We have two stands with equipment, including an oxygen concentrator, intubation kit, ventilator, defibrillator, monitor of all vital functions, ultrasound machine, and electrocoagulator for stopping bleeding. There is also a sterilizer for processing instruments, a sink, and a refrigerator for medicines and blood products," said the coordinator of STABNET deployment at the front, surgeon, and captain of the medical service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Liudmyla Sakaly.

Captain of the medical service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Liudmyla Sakaly

After the presentation, the mobile stabilization container will head to the front, where it will be tested in real combat conditions, and adjustments will be made to the project if necessary.

Developers and volunteers plan to create a network of 100 mobile stabilization containers along the entire front line to solve the problem of losing wounded soldiers during evacuation.

In related news, Ukrainian inventors from the Brave1 cluster have developed the FoxTac remote-controlled evacuation platform, which can evacuate wounded soldiers from the battlefield.

Rubryka also reported that a resident of Sloviansk, Dmytro Mamonov, currently living in Zhytomyr, has developed electro-stretchers for transporting the wounded.

Moreover, two volunteers, Volodymyr Mussur and Roman Borynets from Broshniv-Osada, are creating a ground drone for evacuating wounded soldiers. The radio-controlled device will reach speeds of up to 20 km/h and carry at least 150 kg.


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