17:34 20 Feb 2024

Prosecutors launch investigation after Russian forces execute three Ukrainian POWs in Robotyne

Photo: Office of the Prosecutor General

Law enforcement officers are currently investigating the shooting of three Ukrainian prisoners of war near Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region by Russian invaders.

The Office of the Prosecutor General reported this.

"Under the procedural leadership of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Prosecutor's Office, criminal proceedings have been initiated on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with intentional murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)," the message reads.

On February 20, a video of Russian soldiers shooting three Ukrainian prisoners was shared online.

The event occurred on February 18, 2024, near the village of Robotyne, Zaporizhzhia region.

The Office reminded that the killing of prisoners of war is a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions and qualifies as a grave international crime.

The video was shared by the DeepState resource. According to the project, at the point where the shooting took place, there were soldiers of the 3rd operational brigade of the National Guard "Spartan."

For reference:

The DeepState project claims that the occupiers shot all six captured Ukrainian soldiers at the "Museum" position (on the "Zenith") in Avdiivka. The fighters were recognized by their comrades from the video shared by the Russians. In the footage, shot-dead bodies are lying on the premises of Garage No. 1.

Relatives of some of the defenders who were not evacuated from the "Zenith" position recognized the bodies of the soldiers in the video that the Russians distributed, Slidstvo.Info writes.

The 110th separate mechanized brigade explained that it was forced to leave six of its fighters in the "Zenit" concentration area in Avdiivka: the occupiers promised to evacuate the seriously wounded and later exchange them, but in the end, the fighters were shot.

In addition, on February 18, servicemen of the Russian Federation shot dead two Ukrainian prisoners of war in the area of responsibility of the "Khortytsia" operational and strategic group of troops.

Ukraine's armed forces also confirmed the information that the Russian invaders shot two unarmed Ukrainian soldiers.

The Donetsk Prosecutor's Office has started an investigation into both cases. The killing of prisoners of war is a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions and qualifies as a grave international crime, law enforcement officials emphasized.


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