08:18 17 Feb 2024

Ukraine army chief withdraws troops from Avdiivka

Photo: ua.depositphotos.com

Ukrainian troops withdrew from the devastated eastern town of Avdiivka, new army chief Oleksandr Syrskyi said in the early hours of Saturday.

Ukrainian troops are currently taking measures to stabilize the situation and hold their positions.

"Based on the operational situation around Avdiivka, in order to avoid encirclement and preserve the lives and health of the servicemen, I decided to withdraw our units from the city and move to defense on more favorable lines," said Syrsky.

The army chief praised Ukrainian soldiers for fulfilling their duty with dignity, destroying the best Russian military units, and inflicting significant losses.

"The lives of servicemen are the mosr valuable. We will take back Avdiivka regardless."

Avdiivka is called the "gateway to Donetsk" and Russian troops have been trying to capture the city since the fall of 2023. According to the Ukrainian military, enemy forces have lost thousands of soldiers in the battle for Avdiivka.

On February 15, the press service of the third assault brigade officially confirmed that they had been redeployed to the Avdiivka area to strengthen the Ukrainian defense.

Russian forces have engaged the forces of two regular armies, and the ratio at the brigade level is 7 to 1. Enemy troops are increasing the use of guided aerial bombs and phosphorus bombs.

Russian forces are trying to cut the supply line, they are outnumbered because the Russian command has virtually unlimited human resources and equipment.

On February 16, Ukrainian troops decided to withdraw from the Zenit fortification in Avdiivka.


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