19:59 01 Feb 2024

Two French volunteers killed in Russian shelling of Kherson region

Фото: t.me/olexandrprokudin

On the evening of February 1, Russian forces attacked Beryslav, a wiped-out town in the Kherson region, killing and injuring foreign volunteers.

The governor Oleksandr Prokudin says two French citizens were killed in the attack.

Three other foreigners suffered minor injuries. The fourth wounded is an activist of the organization's Ukrainian office. As the police clarified, he is a 41-year-old resident of Odesa.

The Prosecutor General's Office states that Beryslav was attacked at around 4 p.m. with drones.

"All the victims came to Kherson region as volunteers. Their vehicles were severely damaged as a result of the attack."

The victims were taken to a hospital where they are being treated.

The police noted that they had launched a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings over violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder.

On the night of February 1, Kherson was under heavy fire from Russian troops. The local authorities showed the consequences of the night attack on the city.

Over the past day, Russian troops fired 23 times at the settlements of the Kherson city territorial community and used 106 shells.


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