Photo 16:15 14 Jan 2024

Mental health center for teenagers opens in Zhytomyr

Фото: Віталій Бунечко/Фейсбук

The SviTy Center for mental health support for teens was launched in Zhytomyr, says head of the city's administration Vitalii Bunechko.

What is the problem?

The war causes anxiety and fear for the future not only among adults but for Ukrainian teenagers. Most of them have lost all their usual points of support and want to know how to treat themselves in tough times.

What is the solution?

The SviTy Center opened its doors in Zhytomyr.

16,500 children have evacuated from dangerous areas to this region.

Photo: Vitalii Bunechko/Фейсбук

"Funding for the complete renovation of the municipal space and the comfortable set-up of the facility was provided by the family of BGV Charity Fund's founder, Hennadii Butkevych. We understand the importance of psychosocial support for teenagers right now, as they'll soon become part of our country's adult civil society — the mainstay and driving force. We plan to assist 500 teenagers in the first year. Our main goal for 2024 is to seek donors among local and foreign businesses to support the center's activities,"  said Polina Aldoshyna, the head of the foundation.

How does it work?

Teenagers aged 12 to 16 can get advice from professional psychologists, with developmental and interactive exercises, discussions, business and role-playing games.

Art therapy and relaxation techniques will help to overcome the consequences of psychological trauma of war.

This will help increase their stress resistance and improve their mental health.

Photo: Vitalii Bunechko

The center will help children from refugee families.

Volunteers will also provide assistance to teenagers of deceased parents or those serving in war.

The opening of the SviTy center was possible with the efforts of the BGV and KIDS OF UKRAINE charitable foundations.

Polina Aldoshina, head of the BGV foundation, says to participate in the program, parents need to fill out a questionnaire, after which the center's specialists will contact the family and tell them about the next steps.

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