Photos, video 17:27 08 Jan 2024

Twenty children and ten individuals with reduced mobility evacuated from front-line settlements in Donetsk region

Photo: Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Donetsk region

In the Donetsk region, 20 children and ten people with limited mobility were evacuated from front-line settlements over the past weekend, January 6-7.

The Main Department of the State Emergency Service in the Donetsk region reported that.

It is noted that the rescuers of the Donetsk region are involved in the evacuation of civilians from the frontline areas every day.

"During the weekend, specialists of the Rescue Service assisted 87 people, including 20 children and ten people with limited mobility, at the points of collection and boarding of evacuation vehicles," the message says.

Із прифронтових населених пунктів Донецькій області евакуювали

Photo: Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Donetsk region

Rescuers from the "Phoenix" evacuation group and policemen also managed to evacuate five residents of Avdiivka, under shelling, to safer settlements in the region over the weekend. So, during the weekend, rescuers assisted 92 residents of the region during the evacuation from the Donetsk region, informed the administration, and again called on all residents of the region to evacuate, as it could save lives.

Donetsk region is constantly under fire from Russian troops; every day, the enemy kills and injures civilians and destroys residential and industrial buildings, energy and infrastructure facilities. As reported, in the Donetsk region in December 2023, the Russian invaders intensified the shelling of populated areas, so it was decided to continue the mandatory evacuation of the population to safer places.

Із прифронтових населених пунктів Донецькій області евакуювали

Photo: Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Donetsk region

According to data, at the end of December 2023, 525,000 residents remained in the territory of the Donetsk region. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, 1.354 million people have been evacuated from the Donetsk region.

For reference:

According to the head of the Avdiivka City Military Administration, Vitaliy Barabash, in an earlier statement to "Hromadske Radio," there were still over 1,200 people present in the city as of December 20. Barabash added that, at times, the evacuation had to be postponed due to intense Russian shelling.

People can leave the city by only one route. Products for residents are transported along it. Therefore, special groups of the "White Angel" police are engaged in evacuation.



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