Photo 12:49 25 Dec 2023

Solutions to win: all 10,000 FPV drones from "Operation Unity" fundraiser delivered to soldiers

The FPV drone was handed over as part of "Operation Unity". Photo: SBU

10,000 FPV kamikaze drones have been handed over to Ukrainian defenders as part of the joint project by the Come Back Alive Fund, the United24 fundraising platform, and Monobank, called "Operation Unity."

This information was shared by the charitable organization on its social media, Rubryka reports.

What's the problem?

Military forces increasingly use FPV drones on the front lines. These drones are operated through special goggles, providing a first-person view.

The FPV drone was handed over as part of "Operation Unity." Photo: SBU

FPV drones, also known as kamikaze drones, can destroy enemy light equipment and personnel without posing a risk to Ukrainian soldiers. Unfortunately, these drones are currently unidirectional. Hence, in the realities of modern warfare, thousands of such drones are needed.

What's the solution?

In August of this year, as part of the "Operation Unity" project, the Come Back Alive Charity Fund, along with United24 and Monobank, raised 235,000,000 hryvnias in just three days.

With this funding, 10,000 FPV kamikaze drones with cumulative and fragmentation-high-explosive ammunition (BCHE) of Ukrainian production were purchased and delivered to the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

Photo: Come Back Alive

How does it work?

The drones were distributed among 53 military units of the Ukrainian Defense Forces, including marine infantry, ground and airborne assault troops, special operations and counter-terrorism forces, the National Guard brigades "Kharkiv" and "Azov," National Police units, and fighters of the Security Service's Counterintelligence Special Operations Center "A."

Photo: Come Back Alive

The first five thousand drones from a foreign manufacturer were received by the "Come Back Alive" in October, after which their transfer to the military began. The assistance fund received the second batch, which consisted of 5,000 FPV drones, at the beginning of December.

The FPV drone models and ammunition were coordinated with Ukrainian military authorities. The drones were manufactured by a foreign company specializing in drone production, while a Ukrainian enterprise produced the combat component.

Elements of ammunition for FPV drones. Photo: Come Back Alive

In addition, in December, the project received an extension named "Operation Unity 2: New Year's Salute."

During the three-day fundraising, over 226,000,000 hryvnias were accumulated for 5,000 FPV kamikaze drones, including 3,000 with thermal imaging cameras for nighttime operations and 2,000 for daytime use.

The Ministry of Defense approved the use of the domestic KH-S7 strike FPV drone in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukraine witnesses a genuine boom in drone production, driven by simplified procedures for developers and manufacturers of weapons and military equipment, thanks to government efforts.

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