15:29 06 Dec 2023

Ukrainian Railways unveils new online service simplifying ticket ordering for soldiers

Photo: Viacheslav Ratinskyi / UNIAN

The Ukrainian Railways is launching a special ticket ordering service for the military, Rubryka reports, citing the company press service.

What's the problem?

Amid the Russian aggression, intense battles happened daily at the front lines in Ukraine. Hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers are getting wounded. After receiving initial urgent care, they are transferred to hospitals for further treatment. Following this, most of them require rehabilitation in a different facility and often in another city.

Soldiers need to travel by train, but they can't always pre-order tickets. Ukrainian defenders also often have assignments that are usually unplanned or take leave, and they can't schedule them in wartime.

Soldiers were required to book tickets through the military commandant, making the process cumbersome and practically impossible for a same-day trip. The ticket ordering involved a personal visit to the military commandant and then to the station to pick up the ticket.

What's the solution?

Ukrainian Railways has launched a special service for soldiers, allowing them to purchase a train ticket even if the tickets are sold out.

"Now, military personnel can purchase a train ticket, even if the trip is sudden, such as for medical treatment, on a mission, or to visit family during a long-awaited vacation, and the tickets are already sold out," said Yevhen Lysyienko, the head of the board of Ukrainian Railways.

How does it work?

Soldiers can book tickets online on a special portal. To do this, they need to:

  • Submit a request on the portal no later than 6 hours before the train departure.
  • Pick up the ticket at the ticket office no later than 1 hour before the train departure.
  • Special ticket orders are available for 17 trains, which are the most popular among military personnel. These routes include destinations close to the conflict zone and return journeys.

Soldiers can also book tickets for themselves and their comrades traveling together.

In other news, Ukrainian Railways plans to launch a series of routes to the Ukrainian Carpathians for the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Moreover, in December, the company will begin updating suburban transportation in Dnipro and launch the first route of the Dnipro City Express system.

On November 23, the charitable Food Train set off on its inaugural journey, providing hot meals to the front-line areas of the Kharkiv region.

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