19:58 05 Dec 2023

Ukraine fulfills over 90% of European Commission recommendations – president's office

Photo: Office of the President

Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Ihor Zhovkva held a meeting with the special representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece for Ukraine, Spyridon Lambridis.

The Office of the President reported this.

The interlocutors discussed the state of implementation of the agreements based on the results of the visit of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, to the Republic of Greece in August of this year, during which, in particular, the first Ukraine-Balkans summit was held. Ihor Zhovkva thanked Greece for the strong support of our country during the entire period of resistance to the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation. He expressed hope for deepening cooperation in all strategic areas of mutual interest.

Україна виконала понад 90% рекомендацій

Photo: Office of the President

For his part, Spyridon Lambridis, during the meeting, announced Greece's readiness to host the second Ukraine-Balkans summit in 2024.

The parties paid particular attention to the security situation in Ukraine and the need for Ukraine to successfully conduct counteroffensive operations to liberate the territories temporarily occupied by Russia.

The interlocutors exchanged views on the practical results of the meeting of leaders' national security advisors and political advisers, which took place in Malta on October 28-29.

Україна виконала понад 90% рекомендацій

Photo: Office of the President

On the eve of the European Council summit, Ukraine's progress toward integration into the EU was discussed. The deputy head of the Office of the Head of State informed the special representative of the MFA of Greece about the progress in reforming the country, achieved in the period after the European Commission published the recommendation to start negotiations with Ukraine on joining the European Union within the framework of the annual enlargement report.

"We are waiting for a demonstration of European unity and support by Greece, like the rest of the EU countries, for a political decision to start negotiations with Ukraine on joining the European Union. Ukraine has fulfilled more than 90% of the necessary recommendations of the European Commission. It is counting on a fair decision of the EU based on the relevant achievements," Ihor Zhovkva emphasized.

On November 21, the European Parliament agreed to open an office in Kyiv at the request of Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky. Such an office is expected to facilitate relations with the Ukrainian Parliament, mainly for communication with "relevant committees of the European Parliament and facilitation of administrative work."

For reference:

On November 8, the European Commission officially recommended that the EU states start negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union.

At the same time, the EC presented a report on Ukraine's progress in 2023 with further recommendations. Among them is the need to implement all the recommendations of the Venice Commission regarding national minorities, namely to make some changes to the legislation on the state language, mass media, and education.

In turn, the Hungarian government also threatens to block the start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union, claiming that the rights of Hungarians in Ukraine are being violated.

In addition, the head of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry, Peter Szijjarto, said that Ukraine's accession to the European Union, while the war there continues, will bring war to "the union, which, obviously, no one wants."

EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell said at the end of the meeting of EU foreign ministers that Ukraine is a top priority and the EU will not tire of its support obligations.


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