18:59 08 Nov 2023

Ukrainian PM receives EU Commission's report on accession progress

Фото: facebook.com/dshmyhal

EU Ambassador to Ukraine Katarína Mathernová has handed over a report from the European Commission to Ukraine's PM Denys Shmyhal.

The document contains recommendations for the start of accession negotiations.

I officially received from Mrs. EU Ambassador to Ukraine Katarína Mathernová the report of the European Commission on Ukraine within the framework of the EU Enlargement Package. The document recommends starting negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU, the prime minister reported.

Shmyhal thanked the Ambassador for his cooperation in implementing the necessary reforms. He added that the EC's assessment is very important in the context of Ukraine's European course.

The Prime Minister reminded that in less than a year and a half, Ukraine has implemented a number of important reforms. The Cabinet of Ministers also conducted a self-screening of legislation.

Our next step is to prepare the National Program for the Adaptation of Ukrainian Legislation to the Acts of Law (acquis) of the EU by the end of the year.

In a report published on 8 November, the European Commission recommended that EU states begin accession negotiations with Ukraine, but for that to happen, Kyiv must implement further reforms.

  • reform of the Constitutional Court,
  • continuation of judicial reform,
  • anti-corruption.
  • fight against money laundering,
  • implementation of the anti-oligarchic law,
  • harmonization of audiovisual legislation with the European one,
  • changing legislation on national minorities.

President Volodymyr Zelensky recently said that this decision could be the strongest in a decade: Ukraine is waiting for negotiations.

For its part, Hungary has said that until the state's demands on the language of education are met, Budapest will block the start of negotiations with Ukraine on joining the EU.


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