15:51 03 Dec 2023

Ukraine and Poland to unblock another checkpoint to resume truck traffic

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Ukrainian and Polish sides agreed on unblocking another checkpoint, the Uhryniv-Dolhobychuv, but allowing empty trucks only to pass through.

Ukraine's border guards confirm the agreement, adding that truck loaded with 7.5 tons max will be granted permission to pass.

Opening the checkpoint for empty trucks is one of the first steps to unblock the border, reduce queues and increase the capacity of the Ukrainian-Polish border.

Both sides are pooling their efforts for unblocking the month-long closed border and have already agreed on some of these conditions.

The measures that the parties have already agreed on include opening the Uhryniv-Dolhobychuv crossing point for empty trucks to increase border capacity and reduce the burden on other crossing points, creating separate lanes for empty vehicles at the Yahodyn-Dorohusk and Krakivets-Korchova checkpoints in Ukrainian eCherga system.

The issue of abolishing or amending the "transport visa-free regime" was not discussed and was not on the agenda. 

As of the morning of December 3, border guards report queues of more than 2,500 trucks formed on the border with Ukraine in Poland.


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