Photos 17:59 30 Oct 2023

Zelensky and Dutch PM discuss Ukraine's defense needs and Middle East situation

Photo: Office of the President

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, held a video conversation with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte.

The Office of the President of Ukraine reports this.

The head of state thanked the Netherlands for the unwavering support of Ukraine and the timely implementation of previously reached agreements, in particular regarding the provision of additional missiles for the Patriot air defense systems, preparation for the transfer of F-16 aircraft, patrol boats to Ukraine, as well as long-term financial support.

The interlocutors discussed the situation at the front in detail. Volodymyr Zelensky spoke about defensive actions in Avdiivka, Donetsk region, offensive operations on the Bakhmut front and in the south of Ukraine. Separately, he highlighted the issue of preparing the energy system of Ukraine for the winter period.

Зеленський обговорив із Прем'єр-міністром Нідерландів

Photo: Office of the President

The head of state informed about the continuation of the "grain corridor" in the Black Sea and the defense needs of Ukraine to protect people, as well as the critical and port infrastructure of the country.

"It is very important to preserve our infrastructure, the "grain corridor." And we are grateful for your support – your people, your team, and, of course, the military support. It is essential. Also, thanks for the airplane solution. They will help us control the sky," said the President of Ukraine.

The parties noted the successful holding of the third meeting of advisors in Malta regarding implementing the fundamental principles of the Ukrainian peace formula. Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the representative of the Netherlands for participating in this event.

The President also expressed gratitude for the start of bilateral negotiations on security guarantees in accordance with the Joint Declaration on Support for Ukraine. He noted that the Netherlands became the first non-G7 country to start such negotiations.

Зеленський обговорив із Прем'єр-міністром Нідерландів

Photo: Office of the President

The head of state also called on the EU to speed up work on the 12th package of sanctions against Russia and to develop an effective mechanism for directing profits from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine's reconstruction.

Volodymyr Zelensky and Mark Rutte also discussed the situation in the Middle East, focusing in particular on helping citizens of Ukraine and the Netherlands who need it.

The President stated that it is in the interests of the whole world to prevent further escalation and instigation of a major war. According to him, Ukraine, together with its partners, is ready to do everything to defeat terror and protect the civilian population.


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