13:24 30 Sep 2023

Mother of fallen Ukrainian soldier funds paving of street named in her son's honor

Photo: Screenshot from the TV report about the mother of fallen Ukrainian soldier funding the paving of a street, naming it in her son's honor

Last year, the Russian forces took the life of Vladyslav Hryshchenko from Sosnytsia, the northern Chernihiv region. 

This year, his mother decided to fund the paving of the road named after her son, Rubryka reports, referring to the statement of the Sosnytsia community.

On July 14, 2022, Hryshchenko was injured while defending his native land. As a sign of gratitude, the community named a street in honor of the fallen hero.

Сосниця, мати загиблого воїна

Photo: Screenshot from the video

Residents of the now Vladyslav Hryshchenko Street gathered to express their condolences and warm words of gratitude to his mother, Valentyna Hryshchenko.

The community reports that the mother of the fallen hero used the money given to her by the government after her son's death to build a road. The construction cost was ₴3.5 million ( $94,500).

Сосниця, мати загиблого воїна

Photo: Screenshot from the video

"Dear Ms. Valentyna, we're grateful to you for your son and your deed. The residents of the street and the entire community will never forget Vladyslav Hryshchenko — a real hero," the community said.

Residents also observed a moment of silence in honor of the soldier who gave his life fighting for Ukraine's independence.

Сосниця, мати загиблого воїна

Photo: Screenshot from the video

"Thank you all and everyone who came to support me on this difficult day for me. Thank you very much to everyone," said Mrs. Valentyna, tearful.

Rubryka reported that the authorities in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, renamed about 300 city streets. One of them, Schmidt Street, will have the name of the fallen Hero of Ukraine, Dmytro Kotsiubailo, the soldier of the "Da Vinci" battalion, which fights near Bakhmut.

On Thursday, the fallen defenders' parents, wives, children, relatives, siblings, and friends protested in Kyiv, demanding action on the memorial cemetery.


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