Photos 12:45 24 Sep 2023

Solutions to win: Sumy region establishes rehabilitation center for Ukrainian soldiers

Photo: Sumy Regional Military Administration

The rehabilitation center for Ukrainian defenders has begun to be established in the Konotop district of the Sumy region.

The Sumy Regional Military Administration reported that on Facebook.

What is the problem?

The issue of rehabilitation of Ukrainian defenders is now one of the critical issues. According to the Program of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, several rehabilitation centers will be in the Sumy region.

As Volodymyr Artiukh, the head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration, noted, many soldiers receive injuries of varying severity at the front.

"Of course, they are provided with medical assistance and treatment in military hospitals and specialized medical institutions, but the subsequent physical and psychological recovery is also significant," the head of the region emphasized.

What is the solution?

In the Sumy region, in the Konotop district, on the territory of the ecological zone – Seymskyi Landscape Park – the reconstruction of the building for the rehabilitation center for veterans of Ukraine's armed forces has begun.

According to Anatoliy Boiarchuk, the head of the Popiv community, these premises were transferred to the community's balance sheet even before the full-scale aggression occurred.

центр реабілітації Сумщина

Photo: Sumy Regional Military Administration

How does it work?

The Sumy Regional Military Administration reports that part of the building has already been renovated at this time.

центр реабілітації Сумщина

Photo: Sumy Regional Military Administration

There are also rooms for psychological therapy and hygiene facilities.

центр реабілітації Сумщина

Photo: Sumy Regional Military Administration

Furthermore, the room has its own wood-fired boiler room, providing heating. Additionally, a separate room with fantastic acoustics is designed for a state-of-the-art 5D cinema. Furthermore, there are plans to construct a swimming pool on the premises.

центр реабілітації Сумщина

Photo: Sumy Regional Military Administration

"The rehabilitation center that we plan to create will be modern and unique in terms of providing a wide range of highly qualified medical and psychological assistance. Our military personnel will be able to undergo rehabilitation according to European rehabilitation standards," Artiukh stressed.

центр реабілітації Сумщина

Photo: Sumy Regional Military Administration

центр реабілітації Сумщина

Photo: Sumy Regional Military Administration

For reference:

It should be noted that a special rehabilitation area for people with leg injuries and amputations has appeared in one of the Kyiv hospitals.

A new Rehabilitation and Prosthetics Center is also being established in the Zhytomyr region.

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