15:59 30 Nov 2022

Ukraine needs multi-purpose fighters — Ukrainian Air Force

First of all, the Ukrainian Air Force needs multi-purpose fighters

Colonel Yuriy Ignat, the spokesman of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said this on the air of the telethon Edyny Novyni, Rubryka writes.

The officer noted that even if the MiG-29s are handed over to us by our partners, it will not solve Ukrainian aviation's problems today.

"We understand that the enemy is numerically and technologically superior to us. It has multi-purpose aircraft that are ready to perform many tasks on the battlefield, are capable of hitting air and ground targets, and have a wide range of weapons.

Unfortunately, we have outdated weapons and aircraft. It was possible to adapt something to American weapons, in particular to such as HARM missiles. But this is not enough," Ignat said.

To respond to existing threats, Ukraine needs multi-purpose aircraft such as the F-15 and F-16.

The spokesman emphasized that long-range weapons, both missiles and those that can operate from multi-purpose aircraft, are needed to repel this threat.

"Therefore, it is necessary to seek the adoption of a political decision on the transfer of these aircraft to Ukraine. After all, they can shoot down both flying cruise missiles and strike ground targets, thus reaching the enemy far in the rear," said the colonel.

Ignat also said that the pilots who are ready to go for training to fly foreign planes have already been identified. However, to send them, it is necessary to decide on the aircraft type that the Air Force will use.

"When it becomes clear where and to what type of aircraft our pilots need to be redirected, they will go to training.

In addition, it is necessary to train military engineers who will maintain equipment and airfield infrastructure, i.e., adapt it to Western models of equipment," the spokesman emphasized.

According to Ignat, according to the perspective model of the Air Force until 2035, Ukraine plans to have at least five brigades of fighter aircraft and several units of unmanned aircraft armed with modern UAVs, including those that can be built in Ukraine.


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