19:13 15 Sep 2022

IAEA demands that russia withdraw its troops from Zaporizhzhia NPP

Photo: Energoatom

The Governing Council of the International Atomic Energy Agency, which includes representatives of 35 UN member states, adopted a resolution demanding that russia end its occupation of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

Reuters reports this.

26 countries voted in favor of the resolution, russia, and china – were against it, and the rest abstained during the vote.

The document contains a call for russia to "immediately cease all actions against the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and any other nuclear facility in Ukraine."

As a result, the situation at the ZNPP has been in the spotlight since the beginning of August, when the russian military began shelling the plant.

russia has rejected calls for the demilitarization of the nuclear plant under the pretext that it should "protect it" from provocations and accuses Ukraine of shelling.

After the extraordinary mission's confirmation at the ZNPP, an IAEA expert presented a report saying that russia had deployed "military personnel, vehicles, and equipment in various locations at the plant."

After that, Rafael Grossi called for an end to shelling in the area of ​​the occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP and the creation of a "security zone" around it, stressing that outages from the power plant increase the risk of an accident.

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