11:05 26 Mar 2022

The russian occupiers stormed the town of Slavutych and seized the city hospital

Фото: Фейсбук/ Славутицька міська рада

The russian occupiers stormed the town of Slavutych and seized the city hospital.

Residents of the city went to a pro-Ukrainian rally with national symbols, scanning "Slavutych is Ukraine", "Glory to Ukraine" and unfurled a large state flag.

During the rally, racist soldiers fired into the air and threw light-noise grenades at people. A civilian and representatives of the territorial defense were injured.

The city, built for Chernobyl workers after the 1986 disaster, has already suffered enough. But the aggressor country is multiplying this tragedy.

Terror of civilians is a war crime defined by the Statute of the International Military Tribunal and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and a violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

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