53% of Ukrainians associate the Ukrainian diaspora primarily with Canada

The majority of citizens (53%) living in Ukraine associate the Ukrainian diaspora primarily with Canada.
The Democratic Initiatives Foundation reported this.
In the second place, we see Poland (38%), and the United States (35%) in the third place.
Italy (19%) and Russia (18%) were also in the top five.
But about 18% couldn't name the countries where the large Ukrainian diaspora lives, so they refrained from answering.
- 75% of respondents believe that Ukraine should involve the Ukrainian diaspora in promoting Ukraine abroad.
- Similarly, the majority of Ukrainians (67%) have a positive attitude towards the Ukrainian diaspora.
- At the same time, Ukrainians show little interest in issues related to the Ukrainian diaspora. Only 23% said they were interested in the diaspora.
Those respondents who are very or rather interested in the diaspora cited sources of information about the diaspora. Almost half of all respondents learn about it from television (49%), 44% from social media, 25% from YouTube. However, the share of those who receive information about the diaspora directly from people with whom they communicate is high: 41% from the immediate environment (relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues) and 40% from acquaintances or relatives living abroad.
The study was initiated by the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations of Lviv Polytechnic National University and conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation together with the Razumkov Center's sociological service from August 3 to 9, 2021 in all regions of Ukraine except Crimea and occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. 2018 respondents aged 18 and older were interviewed. The theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.3%.