
Cherry blossom in January: photo report from abnormally warm Kyiv

In Handy
How to prepare your car for winter: what to check yourself, and what to have auto shop do for you

In Handy
Fully prepared for winter: what everyone should have at home

25 jul, 15:22
Trade unions call for a max working temperature cap for outdoor workers

31 aug, 14:40
There may be no winter in Ukraine in 20 years - Kulbida

Floods in Europe in 2021 and desert in southeastern Ukraine in 2070: what's the connection?

In Handy
Heat in Ukraine: how to escape it outside, at home, and work

Kyiv breaks another heat record

8 jun, 15:05
Sinoptik details the weather on resorts for the coming week

Photo, video
Winter in the middle of spring: Ukraine covered with snow in the last week of April

People of Action
Every weather analysis is a detective story. How meteorologists work

Innovative "antifreeze" solutions. How the cities of the world and Ukraine fight snow and ice

Has Greta had ears frostbitten? What's happening to nature and why Ukraine is covered with snow

10 feb, 09:47
More than 3,000 tons of snow cleaned from Kyiv streets overnight

Snow Day. Interesting facts, games, and how often Ukraine will be lucky with winter
