28 jul, 16:56
Verkhovna Rada passed law on special status of Poles in Ukraine
16 mar, 08:44
Zelenskyy signs a law banning the spread of Russian propaganda
15 mar, 22:38
Zelenskyy signs laws on responsibility for collaborationism
10 mar, 14:52
Zelenskyy signs a law on forced confiscation of Russian property in Ukraine
Linking SIM cards to passports: how the new law works and what to do now
She's Got It
By a word of the law and the language of power: what women need to know about self-defense
5 jan, 16:03
Zelenskyy signs a law on organ transplantation
Plastic bag for a cost: how the law works and whether it reduces polyethylene in landfills
(Non) compulsory vaccination: principal positions of legislation
5 nov, 16:05
Zelenskyy signs law on oligarchs
22 oct, 09:37
Ukraine introduces European requirements for baby food
10 sep, 14:11
Ukrainian parliament passes law banning discrimination in advertising
7 sep, 14:34
Ukrainian parliament amends law on industrial parks
26 aug, 09:43
In Ukraine, population may be disconnected again from utilities for debts
19 aug, 09:57
Zelenskyy intends to sign several laws at Crimean Platform Summit
29 jul, 11:53
Zelenskyi signs laws on national resistance fundamentals and increasing Armed Forces
23 jul, 09:22
Today, law on indigenous peoples comes into force in Ukraine
7 jun, 11:49