Davos on a wing and a prayer: How World Economic Forum went for Ukraine and everyone else
Putin's last all-in move, or peace through strength vs. confrontation without peace: How Russia sees peace
It's time to wake up: we're in the new Cold War
"Think where you're going," "it's your fault" and what's wrong with that
Introducing mandatory cash registers threatens small businesses
Harry Potter and (not) proper communication channels
Ban on registration of employees as sole proprietors: should the business worry?
If war breaks out: detailed instructions
QA and creative people: is it possible to combine?
Communication is life. What to do if the war takes it away
Technologies of the future. What was surprising about world's largest electronics exhibition CES 2022
Why should we not determine the state of US-Ukrainian relations by phone calls?
(Non) compulsory vaccination: what the courts think
How to help animals in the cold?