What's Happening 20:45 01 Oct 2022

Day 220: recapturing Lyman, russians kidnaped nuclear plant dicrector, German foreign minister in Ukaine


Ukrainian army's successes

🇺🇦 Ukraine will recapture Lyman in the Donetsk region within the next 72 hours, says the Institute for the Study of War as of the morning of October 1.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have already come close to Liman. A Ukrainian flag was attached to the city ceiling.

На Донеччині українські військові розгорнули державний прапор України біля стели на в'їзді до міста Лиман 🇺🇦 ✌️

Відео: Андрій Єрмак pic.twitter.com/qDTVO1fUfj

— Рубрика (@rubryka) October 1, 2022

📌 The explosion happened in occupied Tavriysk, Kherson region. In the local telegram channels, they write that the chemical plant is on fire, and there is also a hit in the warehouse.

📌 Belbek airport caught fire in the temporarily occupied Crimea in the evening. Detonation of ammunition is reported.

🇺🇦 The Armed Forces of Ukraine confirmed the encirclement of Liman and the liberation of 5 more settlements around Lyman. Now the Ukrainian flag is under Yampil, Novoselivka, Shandrygolovo, Drobysheve and Stavky. Stabilization measures are now being carried out there.

russia's crimes

russians kidnapped Ihor Murashov, Director General of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP).


Хроніка подій 1 жовтня — 220 день війни росії в Україні: ключові події та рішення для перемоги

📌 Mariupol. School 48. Ukrainian textbooks were burned right here. This is what modern fascism looks like.

📌 By illegally annexing Ukrainian regions, Putin is trying to stabilize the front line and freeze the conflict. Thus, the Institute for the Study of War notes, the Kremlin is trying to regain strength and attack again in the coming years.


Foreign partners' support

Canada, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have already expressed their support for Ukraine's application for early accession to NATO, – the heads of foreign affairs of the states.

The US Congress has fully adopted the law, which includes the allocation of $12.4 billion in new aid to Ukraine.

France can supply Ukraine with another 6 to 12 CAESAR self-propelled artillery systems. The installations were intended for Denmark, but later it was decided to transfer them to Ukraine.

Financial aid to Ukraine in the amount of $530 million will be issued under credit guarantees of Great Britain and Denmark.

At a meeting of the UN Security Council, a number of countries declared that they do not recognize the annexation of part of the Ukrainian territory. However, they could not pass a resolution about it – one vote was against. Russia, which itself is attempting annexation, did not support the resolution. 4 countries abstained.



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