14:11 29 May 2024

Rebuilding Ukraine: Lithuania allocates €5 mln to reconstruct Ukrainian schools and kindergartens


The Lithuanian government has approved the resolution drafted by the Ministry of Finance, allocating 5 million euros to support the education sector in Ukraine.

The Lithuanian government's press service reported that.

What is the problem?

"As Russia's war against Ukraine continues, we must help Ukrainians to maintain hope for the future. For this, the opportunity to educate the young generation even in wartime, ensuring children's education, despite the constant risk of airstrikes, is significant for this," said Lithuanian Finance Minister Gintare Skaiste.

What is the solution?

The Lithuanian government approved the resolution prepared by the country's Ministry of Finance on allocating 5 million euros to support Ukraine's education sector.

How does it work?

As reported, the allocated funds will be directed to:

  • restoration of destroyed schools and kindergartens in Ukraine,
  • bomb shelter equipment,
  • installation of other means of protection.

It should be noted that this support for Ukraine's education sector was announced during the head of the Ministry of Finance's visit to Kyiv in March of this year.

Lithuania's support will be transferred to an account opened by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine at the National Bank of Ukraine.

Funds collected on this account are directed to:

  • restoration of educational and scientific institutions damaged/destroyed as a result of hostilities,
  • for the purchase of teaching aids and computer equipment,
  • modernization of scientific and innovative infrastructure,
  • internet maintenance,
  • ensuring a safe educational environment.

For reference:

In addition, by the end of the current year, Lithuania plans to build six underground schools in the Mykolaiv, Odesa, Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, Chernihiv, and probably Kharkiv regions.

Also, by September 1 of this year, two underground schools are planned to be built in Zaporizhzhia so that the city's children can get a better education in the conditions of war.

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