Exclusive 11:42 23 May 2024

Solutions from Ukraine: "Azovstal" defenders' families and UAnimals launch clothing line to support captive heroes and war-torn animals

Photo: UAnimals

On Thursday, May 16, the charity shop Animalism by UAnimals presented a drop in collaboration with the Association of Families of Defenders of "Azovstal."

Rubryka writes about this.

  "The following day, we loaded a car full of parcels containing t-shirts. Then, on May 19, at the event on Kontraktova Square in Kyiv, we encountered individuals sporting t-shirts from our collection," says Ksenia Shepelenko, communications officer of the UAnimals organization.

What is the problem?

The war is causing a daily increase in the number of affected animals. Determining the exact number of pets registered is impossible, and stray animals are not currently required. UAnimals only includes animals assisted or saved in partnership with other organizations.

"In total, since the beginning of the full-scale war, UAnimals has helped 619,821 animals. However, hundreds of times more animals still need help," Ksenia Shepelenko says.

What is the solution?

Photo: UAnimals

The organizers encourage people to get involved in animal rescue using various methods and resources. These may include helping with evacuations, providing food, vaccinations, and sterilization, supporting animal shelters, reporting instances of animal cruelty to the police, advocating for legislative changes, collaborating with public organizations, and organizing public events and activities to raise awareness about the mistreatment of animals and the issue of ecocide in Ukraine.

The information component is also essential. Actually, the creation of the "Let My People Return Home" collection about animals waiting for their people from captivity is also part of it.

The inspiration to start a drop came about when the families of "Azovstal" defenders shared photos in a group chat of animals eagerly awaiting their owners. The aim was twofold: to raise attention to the brave soldiers who had been in captivity for two years and to provide aid for the animals affected by the war.

The head of the Association of Families of Defenders of Azovstal, Kateryna Prokopenko, created the designs for the T-shirt collection. She is a Ukrainian illustrator, public figure, and the wife of Denys "Redis" Prokopenko. Her drawings depict real animals waiting for their owners to be released from captivity: Kyara the pit bull waiting for Taras, Marta the cat waiting for Oleksandr, and Loki the shepherd waiting for Petro. UAnimals have reported this.

Kateryna Prokopenko has requested that the profits from the collection go towards saving animals, symbolizing Ukrainians' commitment to bringing back those who defend every life in Ukraine.

"In the first week, we sold more than 20% of the drop. People are actively involved both by purchases and by reposting on social networks," store manager Eleonora Khanina shared.

For reference:

It is worth mentioning that a petition has been submitted on the Cabinet of Ministers' website urging the establishment of a dedicated zoo police unit under the National Police. The petition has received the required 25,000 votes for it to be reviewed, so the government must now consider it.

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