12:16 19 May 2024

Russian forces strike recreation area near Kharkiv: four civilians killed, eight injured

Photo: Illustrative / Ukraine's State Emergency Service

On the morning of May 19, powerful explosions rocked Ukraine's northeastern city of Kharkiv.

The Russian strike on the area killed and injured civilians, Rubryka reports, citing local authorities.

The air raid warning in the region has been active for eight hours. Before that, it lasted for 18 hours.

According to Oleh Syniehubov, head of the regional state administration, the strikes were recorded in the Kharkiv district of the region. Initial reports said six people were injured in the Malodanylivka community.

The head of the community, Oleksandr Hololobov, told the Ukrainian national broadcaster Suspilne that the Russians hit a summer recreation area. All the injured are civilians.

According to updated information from Syniehubov, four civilians are now known to be dead, and at least eight people are injured.

"The [Russian] occupiers hit an area where local residents were relaxing," the governor added.

The head of the regional administration again urged the population to evacuate.

Situation in the Kharkiv region

Russian troops are constantly shelling Kharkiv and the region. The situation sharply worsened after they launched a new offensive in the border areas.

Despite the fact that the Russians have slowed down their pace on the front in Kharkiv, the local population continues to be under constant attack.

The Russians launched guided aerial bombs in Kharkiv on May 17, killing four people. The number of injured reached 31 people.

On May 18, Russian forces shelled a car with civilians in Vovchansk, Kharkiv region. Two people died.


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