Video 15:45 25 Feb 2024

30 world stars recorded appeal in support of Ukrainians

Фото: Скриншот

On the eve of the second anniversary of the full-scale war, more than 30 world stars and UNITED 24 ambassadors addressed Ukrainians with words of support.

They emphasized that the resilience of Ukrainians is as inspiring today as it was two years ago.

"Ukraine is defending not only itself, but also Europe and the West as a whole. If the war criminal (Vladimir – ed.) Putin succeeds in his illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine, no country will be safe."

American actor Robert De Niro also addressed Ukrainians with words of support.

"If the war criminal Putin succeeds in his illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine, no country will be safe."

Actor and director Pierre Richard said he was shocked by what he was witnessing.

"Two years have passed, and so many people have died, so many massacres, so many cities have been razed to the ground. I am shocked by what I see. That is why I once again express my admiration for the heroic resistance of Ukrainians and the difficulties they are overcoming."

Actress and director Catherine Deneuve expressed her admiration for the courage and perseverance of Ukrainians.

"I admire your resistance, your courage and your perseverance. I wish you a lot of strength and that all this ends." 

World stars explained that 2024 could be a "decisive year," and every contribution to this is important.

"We will support you for as long as it takes. Be strong, we are always here for you," the celebrities said.

They said that Ukrainians are not alone and should remember that love and peace will eventually defeat darkness and hatred.

"We support Ukraine. We see that your struggle is a struggle for freedom around the world. We are always thinking of you. Don't give up, you are extraordinary people."

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