16:10 21 Feb 2024

Ukraine has set up logistics center abroad for receiving military aid

The Ukrainian logistics point will be established outside the country and regulate the safety of international aid arriving to the hub.

What is problem?

Ukraine used to struggle to maintain its facilities and adapt personnel to international aid control.

The Partners Hub was not regulated in any way, which caused a number of financial, administrative and organizational difficulties.

What is the solution?

Ukraine's defense ministry said that the Government has adopted a resolution that will help regulate the issue of international military assistance.

The reform will even out processes in the provision of military assistance, accounting, monitoring and control.

How does it work?

The Ukrainian Logistics Center includes representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other state bodies (by agreement).

ЗСУ, військова допомога

Photo: Ukraine's defense ministry

The launch of a logistics center outside the country will allow to establish coordination of cargo acceptance and transportation, and coordinate the movement of Ukrainian military personnel for training abroad.

NATO has decided to open a joint training center in Bydgoszcz, Poland, where Ukrainian military personnel will study and train together with the alliance.

The Ministry of Defense has completed the first stage of implementing an automated defense resource management system based on System Analysis Program Development (SAP) in the Armed Forces.

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