17:58 18 Feb 2024

Ukraine and US may sign security guarantee agreement ahead of NATO summit – PM Stefanishyna

Ukraine and the United States may sign an agreement on security guarantees before the July NATO summit in Washington. Still, today, this is a secondary issue in the relations between Ukraine and the United States.

The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, Olha Stefanishyna, stated this, according to "Ukrinform".

Stefanishyna was asked whether Ukraine and the USA could sign an agreement on security guarantees at the NATO summit in July. She replied that the negotiations on the agreement between the countries had already been conducted so that the signing could take place even earlier.

"Relevant negotiations were held at the level of the deputy head of the Office of the President Ihor Zhovkva. As you know, Andriy Yermak is in constant contact with Jake Sullivan. From a tactical point of view, the negotiations have been held, and a strategic declaration has been adopted. This decision can be adopted earlier," said the Deputy Prime Minister

However, according to Stefanishyna, today, Ukraine is not focusing on the issue of security guarantees but on working with the US Congress to decide on financing aid to Ukraine.

"We have to survive first and then think about guaranteeing our security. We need to protect Ukrainian cities, and we need Patriot to have shells. And this is a matter of life and death. That's why we are concentrating on this. And security guarantees will definitely be signed," she said.

However, Ukraine does not remove the invitation to NATO from the agenda at the Alliance's Washington Summit and will continue to negotiate with partners in this regard.

"Our position is unequivocal; it was articulated by the President many times during the Munich Security Conference – Ukraine should be invited to NATO. This issue has not been removed from the agenda; it will be on the agenda as long as necessary before the decision is made," Stefanishyna said.

She reported that in her personal and bilateral meetings, she conveyed to her interlocutors that Ukraine's invitation to NATO this year can serve as a safeguard against destabilization and guarantee further assistance to our country.

"We will negotiate, we will come to an agreement. This decision will be made sooner or later, and we will not turn from this path," the Deputy Prime Minister assured.

It should be noted that President Volodymyr Zelensky previously stated that Ukraine is currently concentrating on working with the US Congress and not on security guarantees.

For reference:

In January, Ukraine and Great Britain signed an agreement on security guarantees. London became the first to sign such a document with Kyiv.

In February, Ukraine signed agreements on security guarantees with Germany and France.

Earlier, the G7 countries agreed to provide bilateral security guarantees to Ukraine at the NATO summit in Vilnius. More than 20 countries joined this initiative. Great Britain became the first country to sign a final agreement.

At the same time, the President's Office announced the signing of security documents with two more countries.

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