Photo 19:59 09 Feb 2024

Russian troops drop seven aerial bombs on Sumy region, killing three

Фото: Сумська ОВА

Russian forces dropped seven aircraft bombs on border communities in the Sumy region.

The attack killed three people and injured four, local prosecutor's office reports.

Російські загарбники скинули сім авіабомб на прикордоння Сумщини

Photo: Sumy military administration

The enemy dropped seven bombs on Yunakivska, Khotynska and Mykolaivska communities.

Російські загарбники скинули сім авіабомб на прикордоння Сумщини

Photo: Sumy military administration

At least four private houses, a farm, and a warehouse were damaged.

According to preliminary information, 3 people were killed and 4 injured. The rubble is being cleared. All necessary services are working at the site.

Російські загарбники скинули сім авіабомб на прикордоння Сумщини

Photo: Sumy military administration

On the night of February 9, Russian forces fired seven times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region.

According to the administration, 53 explosions were recorded as enemy forces shelled it 251 times.


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