09:24 30 Jan 2024

Ukraine and Belgium to establish joint arms production

Photo: Facebook/Diplomatie.Belgium

Ukraine's Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Strategic Industries signed a joint memorandum with the Belgian Ministry of Defense to boost bilateral relations, especially in defense production.

According to Deputy Minister of Defense Lieutenant General Ivan Havryliuk, this memorandum is crucial for developing the domestic defense industry, establishing joint ventures with partners, and localizing defense production in Ukraine. Havryliuk stressed that this was one of Ukraine's priorities, Rubryka reports.

Havryliuk explained that the memorandum outlines intentions to implement joint projects to enhance the potential and volume of production in the Ukrainian defense industry. This includes plans for joint production of certain types of weapons, organization of repairs, and training of specialists and technical personnel.

Міноборони Бельгія Україна

Photo: from open sources

The agreement also involves implementing other measures to build a modern defense industry in Ukraine.

"Ukraine is very interested in creating joint ventures that will operate according to international standards," said Havryliuk.

The general also expressed confidence in the continued fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Last week, a seminar hosted representatives of 33 Ukrainian and eight Belgian companies, the Belgian Security and Defense Industry Association (BSDI), and representatives from both countries' defense and security sectors.

"On behalf of the Belgian defense industry, we are honored to contribute to the Belgian government's policy to support Ukraine. This contribution will take the form of industrial and technological partnership with Ukrainian defense companies aimed at jointly expanding Ukraine's short-term and long-term industrial potential," said Stefan Burton, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Belgian defense industry complex.

Belgium's Assistance to Ukraine

In January last year, Belgium approved €90 million in assistance, including missiles and small arms.

In June, the Belgian Council of Ministers approved the fifteenth package of military assistance to Ukraine.

Rubryka also reported that Belgium would create a special €1.7 billion fund for Ukraine, filled with taxes from frozen Russian assets in Belgium.

Ukraine received a batch of M113 armored vehicles from three European countries, including Belgium.

In December, the Belgian Minister of Defense, Ludivine Dedonder, confirmed the country's intention to transfer F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine in 2025.

Belgium will also provide Ukraine with over €600 million in military assistance, which is a percentage of frozen Russian assets.


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