10:10 26 Nov 2023

Finland's Speaker of the Parliament delivers speech in Ukraine's parliament in Ukrainian

Фото: Скріншот з відео

In the Ukrainian parliament, the Speaker of the Parliament of Finland, Jussi Halla-aho, delivered his speech entirely in Ukrainian.

Rubryka writes about this, referring to a video from social networks.

As reported, Halla-aho spoke in the Ukrainian parliament the day before together with the speakers of a total of six EU countries and the president of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. He delivered the speech entirely in Ukrainian.

In his speech, Halla-aho touched upon the Holodomor issue. He explained that, for formal reasons, the Finnish parliament never issues declarations on historical events and does not even have a procedure for this.

However, last week, the leaders of the factions and the majority of parliamentarians signed a joint statement that they see grounds for considering the Holodomor as genocide of the Ukrainian people by the Soviet authorities.

Halla-aho also mentioned that Finland in 1939 faced the same imperial aggression of the USSR as Ukraine, and on February 24, 2022, the Finns remembered this past well.

He expressed disappointment that after the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the USSR, Russia has not changed in the end.

"As then, so today, it does not respect international law or its obligations. It does not value the lives of its own or those of others. It believes that it has the right to veto the elections of its neighbors, the right to veto even their existence. Russia respects and understands force. Russian imperialism must be answered with force," the Finnish speaker emphasized.

Halla-aho noted that Ukraine's heroic resistance pushed and gave Finland the courage to act — apparently referring to the decision to join NATO and military aid to Ukraine.

The speaker reminded that Finland has already handed over 20 packages of military aid to Ukraine and will continue the support as long as necessary.

During the speech, the Ukrainian parliamentarians often interrupted him with thunderous applause and stood up from their seats.

Let's remember that Jussi Halla-aho belongs to the extreme right party, the Finns Party. In the summer, he was chosen as the party's candidate in the presidential elections in Finland, which will be held at the end of January. Currently, he is in the 5th position in the ratings.

Halla-aho was remembered by Russian propagandists for the fact that he ordered an inscription on a Ukrainian projectile for a donation.

It will be recalled that the Prime Minister of Finland, Petteri Orpo, stated that his government does not intend to negotiate with the Russian leadership regarding the situation on the eastern border.


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