Photos 18:16 21 Nov 2023

Zelensky hosts high-level meetings with European Council head and Moldova president

Photo: Office of the President

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, held bilateral meetings with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, who are visiting our country.

The Office of the President reported this.

The head of state thanked the President of the European Council for the visit, which is taking place on the Day of Dignity and Freedom, and noted the importance of the help that Ukraine receives during the full-scale Russian invasion.

Зеленський провів двосторонні зустрічі

Photo: Office of the President

"I am happy with all the results of our great work. All of us – the parliament, the government – regarding implementing all recommendations [of the European Commission – ed.]. We are really counting on a strong decision in December," Volodymyr Zelensky said.

The President of Ukraine emphasized that Ukraine is also counting on continuing financial and military assistance.

During the meeting with the President of Moldova, the head of state noted the importance of further developing joint infrastructure projects. The leaders discussed the expansion of Ukrainian export opportunities, particularly the territory of Moldova.

Зеленський провів двосторонні зустрічі

Photo: Office of the President

"Ukraine and Moldova have a common goal – membership in the European Union. And together, they move towards the realization of this goal. It is very symbolic that we are together ten years after our Revolution of Dignity. Together, we add results for our countries and strengthen our region and the whole of Europe," Volodymyr Zelensky said.

The heads of state emphasized the importance of developing regional cooperation. The presidents discussed security issues and the challenges facing Ukraine and Moldova in the winter period.

Зеленський провів двосторонні зустрічі

Photo: Office of the President

The leaders coordinated steps for bilateral cooperation in the energy sector.


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