18:59 31 Oct 2023

Russian forces open fire on evacuation bus in Kherson region, injuring two

Photo: Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine

Today, October 31, a Russian FPV drone hit an evacuation minibus in the Kherson region. As a result of the attack, two people were injured.

The Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine reported that on Telegram.

As noted, the volunteers helped the residents of one of the coastal villages of the Beryslav region, which suffered from the bombings of the KAB aviation bombs, to leave for safer settlements. On the highway, a minibus was hit by an attack drone launched from the temporarily occupied left bank.

"Preliminarily, two people were injured, they were given help, and there is no threat to their life," the military noted.

Херсонщина, обстріл

Photo: Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine

For reference:

It should be noted that the right-bank part of the Kherson region was liberated from the Russian invaders almost a year ago. After the liberation, the occupiers continue to bombard Kherson and the region with heavy weapons every day, drop guided aerial bombs on the civilian population.

The Russian occupiers regularly shell the liberated right-bank part of the Kherson region. For attacks, they use, in particular, artillery and aviation. Unfortunately, due to constant strikes, civilians in the region are dying.

On October 28, Russian troops set fire to the village of Ivanivka in the Kherson region. As a result of the shelling, two people were injured.

In addition, on October 27, the enemy army once again shelled the Kherson region. Currently, it is reported about one dead civilian and one wounded.

It was also reported that on October 25, the Russian occupiers shelled Beryslav, Kherson region. A 13-year-old boy was killed during an enemy attack.

On October 24, enemy troops shelled the Kherson region with incendiary shells. As a result of the attack, four civilians were injured, including a child.


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