Photo 16:30 21 Aug 2023

Ukrainian charity project unveils amulet bracelets made from coal from war-battered Donbas

Фотовиставка представлена у ТРЦ Gulliver. Фото надане організаторами

Ukrainian Olympic champion Oleg Verniaiev unveils his charity project in Kyiv to present amulet bracelets made from coal from the war-battered Donetsk and Luhansk mines.

The presentation will feature the first amulet bracelets and the opening of a photo exhibition featuring Ukrainian stars.

What is the problem?

Donbas is another name for the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which has been the most affected by war since 2014. Restoration will be a serious challenge, so it is worth preparing for it and supporting relevant charitable initiatives today.

My native Donetsk. A city of miners and indomitable people. Before the arrival of Russian troops in 2014, Donbas was the leader in the coal mining industry in Ukraine. In today's reality, most of the mines are occupied, so there is a high chance of them being flooded soon enough.

I am sure that Ukrainian troops will liberate our territories from occupation. However, the consequences of war crimes will leave their mark for decades.  Coal, which fed Donbas before the war, has truly become a symbol of our region, so even small pieces of it can help, said Oleg Verniaev.

 What is the solution?

The host says this project is vital for him as it reminds him of home. Oleg was born in Donetsk, occupied since 2014.

And what is most important is that this project has united people from almost every corner of our country, as coal was delivered to us by defenders in the east, coal was ground in the west, and we produced it in the capital. Therefore, it already contains the strength of our courageous state, he added.

Photo: Gulliver Mall press service

How does it work?

The Ukrainian amulet from the heart of Donbas is a symbol of the indomitability of free people, hard work, and courage. Each bracelet contains up to 5 grams of coal mined at a depth of more than 1000 meters in the Donetsk region.

The run of the bracelets is 2000 copies and costs $20.

Photo: Gulliver Mall press service

Photo: Gulliver Mall press service

Photo: Gulliver Mall press service

All proceeds will be directed to purchasing houses in the Kyiv region for refugees from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

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