11:38 09 Jul 2023

Poland has discreetly sent dozen of Mi-24 helicopters to Ukraine – WSJ

Nine Mi-8 helicopters arrived in Ukraine. Photo: Facebook of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Poland has recently handed over about a dozen Soviet-made Mi-24 attack helicopters to Ukraine, according to a classified source citing The Wall Street Journal. 

The transfer of the helicopters from Poland had not been publicly announced, while Ukraine's air fleet remains "significantly small" compared to Russia's. 

Ukrainian aircraft also have less advanced guidance and protection systems, so the Air Force uses its capacities carefully in order not to lose them in a fight. 

Czechia would provide Ukraine with additional attack helicopters. Last year, the country already supplied Ukraine with such aircraft. The state agreed to receive helicopters from the United States.

Czechia is joining the F-16 fighter pilot training program and providing Ukraine's forces with a flight simulator so that pilots can take a course in Ukraine.

Ukraine masters the Mi-24 handling, as crews of combat helicopters and Mi-8 military transport helicopters underwent live-fire training in the northern regions of the state.


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