15:53 16 Jun 2023

Rubryka and Solutions Journalism Network invite you to open webinar on solutions journalism

The first solutions media in Ukraine, Rubryka, together with the world's leading solution journalism organization, Solutions Journalism Network, is holding a joint training session for the first time. Anyone can join and learn.

In the webinar, trainers will explain the ins and outs of solutions journalism, why it's important, and the critical steps in covering solution stories. They will also share tips and resources for journalists who want to cover how people respond to social issues. During the training, you will also learn how the Solutions Story Tracker works and how it can be helpful, as it is a database with more than 13 thousand stories that are examples of solution journalism.

Webinar trainers are experienced media experts:

  • Anastasia Rudenko, editor-in-chief of "Rubryka" media solutions, LEDE Fellow-2023 from the Solution Journalism Network
  • Kyuwon Lee, Manager, Training & Curriculum at Solutions Journalism Network

When: June 27, 2 p.m. (EEST)

Format: online in Zoom

Duration: 60 minutes

Language: English

Sign up via the registration form to receive a link to the online meeting.

Chief editor of "Rubryka" media, Anastasia Rudenko, is an accredited trainer by the Solutions Journalism Network.

Головна редакторка медіа

Previously the editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian Rubryka became the first Ukrainian to win the LEDE scholarship from the Solution Journalism Network.

We also reported on Rubryka becoming the first Ukrainian media whose articles appeared in the Solutions Story Tracker database; now, more than 20 articles are included in the tracker.

Previously, Rubryka was included in the first European cohort of newsrooms developing Solution Journalism.

For reference. Rubryka is the first Ukrainian online media that develops solution journalism. In this approach, the editors focus not so much on the problem but on possible solutions. They use examples of how people, public organizations, initiatives, and communities tackle the issue. Read here about how the solutions journalism approach works during the war.

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