16:16 02 Jun 2023

Eight countries have joined "coalition of fighter jets"

Photo: wikipedia.org

The "coalition of fighter jets" for Ukraine is growing, with eight countries as members.

The Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Ihor Zhovkva, says new nations may join later, the European Pravda reports.

The official cites this expansion as one of the results of Volodymyr Zelensky's trip to Moldova for the summit of the European Political Community. The Ukrainian president used the opportunity to outline the "coalition of fighter jets." Tangible steps have been taken to accelerate the training of pilots to fly fourth-generation fighters and the training of aircraft maintenance personnel.

Zhovkva said that F-16s would be represented among the aircraft, but the assistance would not be limited to these types.

"The European part of the coalition has formed with eight countries (soon there will be more): Great Britain, the Netherlands, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Portugal, and France. A separate joint statement on this matter has even been adopted with the President of France, Macron," said the deputy head of the Office.

According to Zhovkva's statements, the current agreements allow Ukraine to count on specific decisions about the plan and scope of training of pilots and technicians for aircraft maintenance and the provision of adequate infrastructure for fighters. These decisions can be adopted during the next meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (Ramstein format).

Earlier, it became known that Germany wanted to support the "coalition of fighters" but did not have the appropriate equipment. As Defense Minister Boris Pistorius stated, Berlin does not have these American-made planes and cannot help train Ukrainian pilots.

Immediately after Volodymyr Zelensky arrived at the summit of the European political system in Moldova, the president announced that the Ukrainian delegation would deal with the issue of the "coalition of fighter jets" and the Patriot coalition.

Recently, Oleksii Reznikov said he sees the possibility of receiving fighters of a different type besides the F-16.

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