13:22 19 May 2023

Ukraine's western city of Ivano-Frankivsk opens rehabilitation center to host specialists displaced from Donbas

On Thursday, May 18, the Donbas-Prykarpattia rehabilitation center was officially opened in Ukraine's western city of Ivano-Frankivsk.

The head of the regional state administration, Svitlana Onyshchuk, participated in the opening ceremony.

What is the problem?

The head of the region stresses that in today's conditions amid Russia's war for the second year, more people require rehabilitation. Because of the hostilities, many rehabilitation centers in Ukraine's east and other war zones have to close or relocate to other safer regions.

What is the solution?

That is why the people of Ivano-Frankivsk responded to help relocate the Donbas rehabilitation center and assisted with premises. With the institution, 50 percent of the employees moved to Ukraine's west. Local specialists also started working in the center.

How does it work?

"Donbas-Prykarpattia" will provide people with social, psychological, physical, physical, and sports rehabilitation, medical observation, and medical rehabilitation services. During the center's activity, soldiers and people with disabilities have already undergone rehabilitation here. 

"All of them are satisfied with the quality of services and positively respond to the work of the center's specialists," said Svitlana Onyshchuk during the center's opening. "I hope that such institutions will increase in number in Prykarpattia, and those in need will be able to receive high-quality rehabilitation services. 

Besides the regional military administration, international charity organizations, like Save The Children in Ukraine, Luhansk regional organization "AMI – SHID," and the Center for Volunteering and Protection joined to purchase equipment and repair the center's building. Currently, sanitary rooms are being restored in the center with the help of the Ivano-Frankivsk regional organization of the Red Cross Society of Ukraine.

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