10:35 04 Mar 2023

Everyone Matters charity project: 20,000 elderly residents of Zhytomyr region received grocery kits

The first stage of the Everyone Matters humanitarian initiative has been completed in the Zhytomyr region. The Pure In Hearts Foundation and Hennadii Butkevych's BGV Charity Fund provided comprehensive food kits to older people who need special attention.

As part of the project's first wave, benefactors collected and handed out 20,000 food kits for the population aged 70+, mainly focusing on older people who live alone. Such sets include rice, pasta, oil, canned goods, tea, and salt.

Благодійний проєкт «Важливий кожен»: 20 000 літніх мешканців Житомирщини отримали продуктові набори

Funds delivered aid packages to 58 village, settlement, and city councils in the Korosten, Zhytomyr, Zviahel, and Berdychiv districts of the Zhytomyr region. Product sets within the Everyone Matters project were handed out to older people on the ground under local authorities' organization. Part of the sets was distributed centrally during festive concerts and treats for pensioners. The organizers ensured the collection and transportation of communities' elderly residents — participants of the charity initiative. And part of the food kits was delivered to pensioners with limited mobility by employees of social centers.

Благодійний проєкт «Важливий кожен»: 20 000 літніх мешканців Житомирщини отримали продуктові набори

To help as many elderly residents of the Zhytomyr region as possible, the foundations also announced the creation of an Everyone Matters charity platform, where regional businesses and all concerned citizens can join in raising funds and goods for a more significant number of food kits, which will be further formed and given to older people in the region.

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