16:18 12 Feb 2023

Enemy hampering Ukraine’s potential efforts to reconnect Zaporizhia NPP to power system - minister

The situation of the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant, which has been captured by Russian terrorists, is deteriorating. The Russians are jeopardizing the possibility of quickly reconnecting the station to the Ukrainian power system once it is liberated by the Ukrainian forces.

As reported by Ukrinform, Energy Minister German Galushchenko announced this on the air of a national telethon.

"The situation is worsening. And this is not only our assessment as it coincides with that of the IAEA experts. We discussed this with (IAEA Director General Rafael – ed.) Grossi. He is aware of this, as are his experts who are on the ground. These are a few tracks of this worsening. First, there is some anger on the part of the Russians that they failed to get the number of people they wanted to sign contracts with them, and consequently the pressure is increasing on the NPP personnel. They get beat up in public, some people disappear… That is, this is the usual Russian terror in action. And the second track is that in general, the NPP currently operates in such a way that this deteriorates the equipment. This significantly worsens the possibility of reconnecting it to our power system in the future," Galushchenko said.

The minister added that all the steps taken by the invaders are aimed at making it impossible to reconnect the NPP to the system immediately after it is regained by Ukraine.

Galushchenko also noted that the draining of the Kakhovka Reservoir by Russian forces also poses a threat to the ZNPP operation.

"This situation is really quite dangerous if it continues to develop this way. Moreover, we have informed the IAEA and there is also a corresponding statement from the IAEA regarding this situation. Now there are reports that the water level has stabilized a little, but the problem is that we have no access or ability to regulate the draining of this water. To what extent are they doing this consciously, are they ready to take such actions to endanger the operation of the ZNPP in general? You know, one can expect anything from them," the minister noted.

As reported, today, Ukraine's nuclear regulator banned the operation of power units 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the Zaporizhia NPP.

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