12:58 04 Nov 2022

German Chancellor calls on China to influence russia

russia should immediately stop its aggression, from which Ukrainian civilians suffer every day, and leave Ukraine.

This was stated by Scholz, who began his statement with Ukrainian topics.

According to him, he and the head of the People's Republic of China agree that threats with nuclear weapons are irresponsible and extremely dangerous.

"By using nuclear weapons, russia will cross the 'red line' that the countries of the world have drawn together," the chancellor said.

He also reminded that the majority of the world community at the UN General Assembly condemned russia's attempts to annex parts of Ukrainian territory, and they will never accept the "results" of the so-called referendums.

Scholz said that with the russian attack on Ukraine, putin returned the war to the European continent, committed a flagrant violation of international law, and called into question the entire world order.

In addition, this war led to a jump in the prices of the essential products, in particular energy, on world markets, which primarily affects the planet's poorest countries.

Stolz announced a demand for russia to continue the operation of the "grain corridor."

"Hunger should not become a weapon," the German politician emphasized.

In his turn, the Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Li Keqiang, touched on the "Ukrainian crisis" in several phrases without mentioning russia.

"Both sides (the People's Republic of China and Germany) hope to end this crisis as soon as possible. We cannot allow further escalation. We must encourage both interested parties to start peace negotiations," the head of the Chinese government said.

He added that he does not want to see the collapse of production and logistics chains. Li also noted that due to historical and cultural differences, Beijing and Berlin have different approaches to many issues.

Scholz described the negotiations with the leadership of the People's Republic of China during his first official visit to Beijing as "good."

He also listed controversial topics he said he had openly discussed with the Chinese leadership.

Journalists were not allowed to ask questions at the briefing.

The visit of the German delegation takes place under strict sanitary restrictions.

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