14:40 23 Mar 2022

In Kharkiv region, Ukrainian anti-aircraft guns sent 2 more Russian planes for scrap

Photo: East Air Command

In the south-eastern region of the Kharkiv region, anti-aircraft missile systems of the Air Force of the Armed Forces destroyed 2 enemy planes

Rubryka reports, referring to the Facebook of the East Air Command.

According to the report, the south-eastern region of the Kharkiv region becomes the second Chornobaivka.

Thanks to the anti-aircraft missile systems of the Air Force.

"Traditionally, the enemy is losing its planes day after day in this direction. This morning, air defense soldiers landed two more birds of the occupiers, which brought death to peaceful cities," the statement said.

So far, the models of Russian planes and the fate of the pilots have not been announced.

As Rubryka reported earlier, on March 22, Ukraine's air defense destroyed:

  • 6 planes,
  • 1 helicopter,
  • 5 UAVs,
  • 5 cruise missiles.

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