20:05 28 Feb 2022

"Traffic is forbidden to the occupiers": Ukravtodor introduces a new road sign

Фото: Укравтодор

New road signs with Putin's face and "no traffic" sign began to appear on Ukrainian roads

Ukravtodor announced this, Rubryka reports.

This sign means that it is better for the occupiers to return home.

"While our brave soldiers and fearless citizens are repelling the enemy, road workers are updating the traffic rules. In front of you is a new road sign: For occupiers, passage prohibited," the statement said.

The sign indicates to the enemy: "Immediately surrender, or meet death."

"As of today, the sign extends to roads of all forms of ownership in Ukraine and the allied states," the message reads.

Earlier, the State Agency for Highways called on local authorities and residents to remove traditional road signs to confuse the enemy.

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