13:53 26 Apr 2021

A bone marrow transplant performed for the first time in 13 years in Ukraine

Health Minister Maksym Stepanov said that on April 23, a patient was discharged from the Kyiv Bone Marrow Transplant Center who underwent a unique operation a month ago, a bone marrow transplant. The last time it was done in Ukraine was 13 years ago.

The Minister informed about it on Facebook, Rubryka reports.

As reported, the patient is 18-year-old Oleksandr Tsymbaliuk from Prykarpattia, and the donor is his 20-year-old brother.

In December 2020, Oleksandr was diagnosed with severe aplastic anemia. The only option for his recovery was a bone marrow transplant. His older brother literally sacrificed part of himself to give a chance to the life of his family member."

"Ukrainian doctors did an outstanding job although such an operation was performed last in our country 13 years ago because of the lack of specific equipment. All this time, patients who needed a transplant were sent abroad, where such an operation costs 3.5 million hryvnias. In Ukraine, it will cost UAH 1.36 million.

When I became a minister a year ago, I set a goal: to achieve full transplant independence for Ukraine. After all, having the best doctors, having a scientific base, we can save many more lives than now, and invest in the development of our medicine. Today I'm sincerely happy together with Oleksandr's relatives because, with such operations, we're approaching this prime goal," the head of the Ministry of Health said.

Stepanov said that in 2021, 300 bone marrow transplants are planned in Ukraine. This figure will grow every year.


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