22 jan, 18:30
The "Recovery Window" media network turns one: 120 partners and millions of readers
25 oct, 23:06
The First US-Ukraine Media School: How the Institute of American studies trains Ukrainian journalists to cover US Elections
SolutionsHub: Rubryka launches new format for NGOs, activists, and experts
Voices of Change: Informing the World about Ukraine Today and Tomorrow
28 oct, 18:33
Over 26,000 Ukrainians took part in the National Media Literacy Test
12 oct, 14:48
Over million Ukrainians join nationwide media literacy class
Change starts with solutions: Rubryka unveils Solutions Community
16 jun, 15:53
Rubryka and Solutions Journalism Network invite you to open webinar on solutions journalism
19 may, 15:37
Ukrainian experts set out to counter Russian disinformation in Antidote media literacy project
24 jan, 17:13
Ukraine's post-war recovery: EcoRubric and BavovnaHelp held charity lecture
Rubryka collected books for elderly and libraries
Your favourite media needs your support – to fight for justice and solve concrete problems
Special Project
Disinformation, propaganda, and everything in between: how to recognize and protect yourself
War for bread and people's minds: how russian propaganda blames EU and Ukraine for famine
"Europe is tired of Ukrainian refugees": debunking the myth of russian propaganda
Protect yourself: information hygiene in wartime
Special Project