How to prepare for a hackathon: life hacks for developers and designers
The main reasons, and why even experienced professionals should participate

"The market for mobile applications has grown significantly in 2020," analysts say. "We expect the best offers from you," consumers say to the developers. Is this not a reason for you to participate in the hackathon?! What are the benefits of competition for experienced programming and design professionals? Let's get a look.
Hackathon theme
If your team specializes in application development and goes to a hackathon to improve their skills, a wide range of topics will suit you.
According to the Appbooster agency, the number of app installs for buying groceries has grown sharply in 2020, by 200% at once, and this trend will continue for a long time.
MobileFuse research found that engagement with mobile ads increased by 15% in 2020.
In turn, App Annie claims consumers spend 4.2 hours a day on apps and use 46 different apps every month. In 2020, people spent $143 billion on the app store and $240 billion on mobile advertising. The numbers speak for themselves; applications are needed in different areas.
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