Digest 18:28 08 Jul 2023

Cluster munitions from US and offline studies in Kharkiv region: five leading solutions of the week

Every Saturday, Rubryka posts a short digest of the week's TOP 5 solutions that bring Ukraine's victory closer:

🇺🇸 The USA has confirmed that it is ready to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions. Biden said it was a difficult decision, but Ukraine needed the munition. He reminded that the US has not signed the Convention on cluster munitions, which prohibits their use.

🇨🇿 The Czech Republic is to provide helicopters and ammunition to Ukraine and will participate in the training of Ukrainian pilots for the F16 fighter aircraft.

🇨🇭 Switzerland will provide Ukraine with €5.6 million to repair and equip 30 schools affected by hostilities.

🏠 Ternopil builders have started the restoration of 18 residential objects in the de-occupied town of Arkhanhelsk, Kherson region, within the framework of the "Side by Side" project

👩‍🏫 In the Kharkiv region, schools with shelters have allowed offline learning since September 1.


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